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What is model un?

United Nations Information


    • The following page elaborates on the tasks and issues handled by the United Nations, which involves:

      • Maintaining International Peace and Security

      • Promoting Sustainable Development

      • Protecting Human Rights

      • Upholding International Law

      • Delivering Humanitarian Aid

    • These topics, as you will soon see, will be the foundations of the committees in Model UN conferences.

  • Committees in Model UN can be categorized based on a variety of qualities:

    • How They are Run (traditional (General Assembly) committees and crisis committees)

    • When They Occur (historical, contemporary, and futuristic committees)

    • Whether Or Not They are Based on the Real World (realistic and fantastical committees)

    • Who the Principal Actors Are (countries, country subdivisions, organizations, or individuals)

    • The Committee’s Powers (executive, legislative, judicial, etc.)

    • Its Area of Focus (political, economic, social, etc.)

    • Its Size (large, medium, small, etc.)


    • This link contains a list of United Nations committees and what each one is about. (Scroll a third of the way down for the list)

Research and preparing for committee

Topic Background

  • This should be strictly informative and should give some insight for the outside reader.

  • A brief summary and an arrangement of examples of the topic researched should be provided by the writer to guide the reader through the topic.


    • This is a guide giving tips on how to write a background and providing other resources that can be used.

Country Profiles

Special Preparation for the Crisis Committee


    • The following link illustrates the contents of a crisis committee, one different in many ways from the typical, general assembly that you would normally see. In a crisis committee, progression of conflicts are fast-paced, needing sufficient, widespread knowledge about the topic to be applied throughout the committee.


    • The above link provides you with reasons as to why you should try out a crisis committee. Check out the neat things this committee has to offer and see what kind of exposure you can gain by checking out the article.

Position Paper Writing

Speech Writing

Resolution Writing


How to Behave

The Flow of the Conference


In MUN conferences, you will be assigned a certain organization. Below are links to the websites of major UN committees



    • The First Committee of the General Assembly that deals with disarmament, global challenges, and threats to international peace and security.



    • ECOSOC is the principal body for coordination, policy review, policy dialogue and recommendations on economic, social and environmental issues, as well as for implementation of the internationally agreed development goals.

  • Security Council


    • Security Council’s primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security to the Security Council, which may meet whenever peace is threatened.


  • FAO


    • The FAO leads international efforts to fight hunger. It is both a forum for negotiating agreements between developing and developed countries and a source of technical knowledge and information to aid development.

  • World Bank


    • The World Bank focuses on poverty reduction and the improvement of living standards worldwide by providing low-interest loans, interest-free credit, and grants to developing countries for education, health, infrastructure, and communications, among other things. The World Bank works in over 100 countries.

  • WHO


    • The World Health Organization is responsible for global vaccination campaigns, responding to public health emergencies, defending against pandemic influenza, and leading the way for eradication campaigns against life-threatening diseases like polio and malaria.



    • The UNODC is a global organization against the use of illicit drugs and international crimes. They focus on cooperation projects to help member states counteract drugs, international crimes, and terrorism.

  • UNEP


    • The United Nations Environment Program is the leading global environment authority that works towards environmental conservation.

  • ICJ

  • IMF


    • The International Monetary Fund is an organization of 188 member states that focuses on financial stability, economic growth, and the facilitation of international trade.

  • IAEA


    • The International Atomic Energy Agency is an organization that works with member states to promote the safe and peaceful use of nuclear energy.



    • The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization strives to build networks that promote the mobilization of education, the preservation of culture and historical landmarks, and pursuing scientific cooperation.

  • Complete list of UN or UN-affiliated organizations on the UN website that link to each organization’s website

*****Please note: Certain material has been accessed from the FHS-MUN and the AVHS-MUN websites. 

Speech and Debate:


Quiz Bowl:


National History Day:


NY Conference:


Destination Imagination:





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